Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Hermitage Palace, St Petersburg, Russia

Time of visit: 1 June 2014

Hermitage Palace is awesome!!! It houses not only great collections related to the Imperial but also those of famous painters such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Ruben, and some others.

Our local guide said that on Friday there are less people visiting Hermitage 
because there is no cruise docking on Friday.

Everybody is trying to get close to the painting.

By Leonardo Da Vinci.

By Leonardo Da Vinci.

By Leonardo Da Vinci.

Crouching Boy, the only Michelangelo's sculpture in Hermitage.

Crouching Boy, the only Michelangelo's sculpture in Hermitage.

Outside Hermitage.

Hermitage in rain.

Back side of Hermitage.

Opposite Hermitage


  1. Loving the architectures!!! 😍😍😍 mau ksanaaa :'(

  2. Teh, dulu bgt wktu T'Atik blg baru posting ini perasaan aku udh komen. Kok ngilang ya? *garuk2 perut*
